
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Social Bookmark and Blogger's Footer

A few weeks ago I wrote the post "Get backlinks by using Social Bookmarking".

If you're writting a blog, it would be worth to add links that automate the bookmarking in your articles' footers.

If you want to do it with Blogger, you may follow the instructions given on :


But i would suggest to limit the choice to the best social bookmark sites, so you should use the following code instead:

("Right click" your mouse button and a menu appears giving you some options. Choose "Save this Link as", then open the file with notepad or word and copy the code before pasting it in the template as indicated)

I strongly advise you to open accounts with these social bookmark sites.
And then to boorkmark your articles yourself, just to start the buzz and to get backlinks. Those links make it so easy ;-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip.