
Friday, August 31, 2007

Check your page ranking in Google Search

If you want to know if all your SEO efforts have been worth, you have to check your ranking in Google Search for the keywords you're competing on.

This task may become boring if you have more than one website and if you don't rank in the ten first pages of results.

There are already some commercial solutions available but they are too expensive.
So I just developed a small VBA application under Excel to make it easier.

Let's try it:


The file is quite easy to use. So I won't write too much about it.
Just remember to lower the securiy level for macros in Excel if you want to try this application or you will have a security alert when opening the xls file.

I think I'm going to improve this application in the near future. So stay tuned ! ;-)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Social Bookmark and Blogger's Footer

A few weeks ago I wrote the post "Get backlinks by using Social Bookmarking".

If you're writting a blog, it would be worth to add links that automate the bookmarking in your articles' footers.

If you want to do it with Blogger, you may follow the instructions given on :


But i would suggest to limit the choice to the best social bookmark sites, so you should use the following code instead:

("Right click" your mouse button and a menu appears giving you some options. Choose "Save this Link as", then open the file with notepad or word and copy the code before pasting it in the template as indicated)

I strongly advise you to open accounts with these social bookmark sites.
And then to boorkmark your articles yourself, just to start the buzz and to get backlinks. Those links make it so easy ;-)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

5 Easy Tips to increase your Google PR

- When you name a page, give it a name related to its content:
for example, i have a page mostly talking about PR and Adsense,
so it would be appropriate to call the page PR-adsense.html

- The former comment also applies to the title (meta script) !
And especially if you're using Blogger, because the title is used
to create the page's name.

- Try to keep your pages' adresses the shorter you can. For example '' is much too long ! '' would be much better.

- Whenever you can, you should use ".HTML" or ".HTM" pages.
Those pages are static and are more valuable in Google bots' eyes.
It's easier for a HTM/HTML page to score well in the rankings
than for a PHP page (which is dynamic).

- Avoid useless code in your page: the slimmer your code, the better it is! So, get rid of javascript that are not absolutely necessary.